Also called hydatidiform mole, the molar pregnancy can be either foetal (there is a baby), or afoetal (there is no baby). It is an overgrowth of the placental (trophoblastic) tissue. This situation is detected when abnormally high HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) hormone levels are found during routine pregnancy blood tests. 1:1,500 will be molar pregnancies and there is a 1;76 slightly increased chance of another one.

You would eventually miscarry this pregnancy as it is not viable. Once detected you will be given a D&C immediately as there is a small chance that if left untreated, it can become malignant. Follow-up treatment is very important and usually lasts six months to two years. Treatment involves a blood test every two weeks to measure the pregnancy hormone (HCG). If the test is negative by eight weeks, your follow-up will be six months only. You can not conceive a subsequent pregnancy until your hormone levels have returned to normal.
